Welcome to Baker Finance!

The first financial service aggregator site, kickstarting as a leveraged yield farming protocol on BNBChain

Introduction & Context

Throughout the recent years, there has been an outstanding development of financial services leveraged by blockchain technology. Bringing diverse investing opportunities to people around the world.

This is of course a great feat and something we should keep encouraging. But, there are yet a lot of different services from the traditional financial system that urge to be adapted to the crypto world.

Unfortunately, all of these different apps can become a bit overwhelming. Keeping track of all of them quickly feels too complicated and simplicity becomes a scarce resource. That is why at Baker Finance we understand that unifying a plethora of different financial services spread across the ever-growing crypto ecosystem is a must. So, we decided to create the first financial service aggregator platform where we'll focus on bringing together every investing tool out there into one simple and easy-to-use site.

Multiple financial services in the same place.

Baker Finance will be offering multiple financial products, all in the same platform. Our users can choose what are the suitable ways for them to participate in.

Starting Line

To start with, we are merging two of the biggest tools within the market, Yield Farming, Leverage Trading as well as Borrow & Supplies, into what is called "Leverage Yield Farming".

Leverage Yield Farming offers borrowers under collateralized loans for leveraged yield farming positions, vastly multiplying their farming principals and resulting profits.‌

Later in this document we'll dive deeper into what this means, how it operates and a nifty guide to help newcomers earn safe and stable yields.

Growing Together

Additionally, we understand the nature of inclusion brought by the decentralized world that was born thanks to the blockchain technology, so we strive to include our community by creating means for users to earn together with the growth of the platform, becoming one big financial ever-growing ecosystem.

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